Tuesday, October 20, 2009

GALTOW Book 2 coming soon to iTunes!!!

The Xmoor Studios excitement continues as GALTOW - Book 2 / Director's cut is finished and headed to iTunes. Rob G. and I will announce it here when Book 2 will available for download. Thanks to those who have purchased Book 1 and be prepared to get your fight on for Book 2!!! Full color, with new text and arrangement of sequences like Book 1.

Monday, September 28, 2009

GALTOW Book 1 now on iTunes!!!

So after countless back and forth issues and a lot of holding our breath, Xmoor Studios is happy to announce that:

We are smiling as we make the leap to digital seeing as how the market and Diamond have made it harder for an independent publisher to survive in this industry, we knew that the download applications would be the only way to keep our goals viable. It’s with a sigh of relief and a accumulation of several months but we are now moving forward.

So here’s the link to GALTOW Book 1 the DIRECTOR’S CUT:

For those of you who have our black and white original first book we offer you a full color version along with new dialogue and some rearrangement of sequences... it reads slightly different and may reveal a few things to those who have read the original book. To those who have never read GALTOW… welcome aboard and enjoy the adventures of our heroes Jiya, Keylon and Wu as they navigate a gladiatorial world where only the strongest will survive. We hope you like our comic and look forward to GALTOW Director’s Cut Book #2:
Welcome to the Age of GALTOW!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

We're back!!!

Hey all!
Been a while but Rob and I were away for a while trying to get things done for Xmoor Studios. We have a lot of irons in the fire and good gosh it takes time to get things where they need to be. Well we're back and just to show how much we missed you we now have some Galtow t-shirts finally available to own - go get em!!!:

 tee by END. Available from MySoti.com.Galtow3 tee by END. Available from MySoti.com.
Galtow2 tee by END. Available from MySoti.com.Galtow4 tee by END. Available from MySoti.com.

Keep and eye here as Rob and I will be dropping even more designs shortly along with some updated news for the studio.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Galtow CG animation update....

We just got this new updated hardcore detailed scene capture image from Shimmer Media for the Galtow CG animation they're doing...Notice anything different? We sure do...Looks like Rob G. and I will be headed over to their studio real soon to see the latest work on our Galtow epic...maybe get a new updated trailer to post here...stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Xmoor at ECBACC!!!
Rob G
. attended the annual East Coast Age Of Black Comics (http://ecbacc.com/wordpress/) this past May 16th out in Philadelphia with Grand Master artist N. Steven Harris. Rob was interviewd by Al Cayne of CAC TV (http://www.cac-tv.com/category/video/) and talked about our flagship Galtow property. The full interview can be seen right here:

Go Rob go!!! Unfortunately I couldn't make that show due to my work load, Maybe next year. Nice to see the new venue with a much better set up.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ramping up with some big new things....

Just a taste of what's in store here at Xmoor Studios....
New merchandise, new projects, expanded art team, more excitement!

Stay tuned...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Robert Garrett and N. Steven Harris at Kids Comic Con!!!

Writer creator Robert Garrett and master artist N. Steven Harris will be attending the Kid’s Con in the Bronx on Saturday April 25th at Bronx Community College. The dynamic duo will be debuting a printed teaser of their newly developing property Ajala!


AJALA STORM has a lot of friends and was just until a few weeks ago the most popular girl in middle school, a normal girl, just a little smarter than most and a bit of a tomboy. AJALA would be completely normal if she wasn’t a Junior Agent for the C.S.C., being educated and trained to protect Harlem from various insidious groups looking to corrupt our youth and destroy our ways of life.. Unknown to most, there are dangers and adventures in the shadows of Harlem…
Open your minds to a new world of action and enlightenment as AJALA discovers a secret society that has been protecting and educating their people for over 70 decades…Welcome to the world of:
"AJALA A Series of Adventures"

Created by:
Robert Garrett and Steven Harris@2009

Will you be there?! If so stop by the table to talk shop - we'd love to hear from you.
Go to the website here for details and directions:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Galtow goes to Itunes!!!

Updating news for Xmoor Studios, Eric and I have been keeping it under wraps for a minute…, but now that the project is near completion we felt that it’s time to let the cat out of the bag.
Xmoor Studios will be soliciting our properties on iTunes! Issue #1 is currently being developed into the proper format and we’ve added a few modifications to the book, captions and dialogue, as well as it being in full color. We are calling the book GALTOW#1- Director’s Cut. So everyone be on the look out as we will be announcing the release date for this new direction for our studio. Here’s the promo image we will be running:

Friday, March 13, 2009

Xmoor Studios at Bronx Heroes Comic Con!!! Sat March 14!!!

Hey all - Rob G. will be at the the Bronx Heroes Comic Con tomorrow sharing a table with Lockett Down's Regine Sawyer. It's the first annual Convention Saturday March 14, 2009, from 12pm-5pm. It's being sponsored by the Longwood Art Gallery at Hostos College and admission is FREE!!!
I won't be able to attend this one unfortunately (if you stop by the table and ask Rob why - maybe he'll tell you a little something something, wink wink...)

Longwood Arts info right here:

Directions to Hostos Community College

Hostos Community College is located at a safe and busy intersection just steps from the subway station and bus stop.

By subway: take the IRT trains 2, 4, 5 to 149th Street (Eugenio María de Hostos Boulevard) and the Grand Concourse.

By bus: take the Bx1 or cross-town Bx19 to 149th Street (Eugenio María de Hostos Boulevard) and the Grand Concourse.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Galtow CG animated trailer is now up!!!

We debuted a trailer for our flagship title Galtow done in CG animation by Shimmer Concepts Media at the New York Comic Con. You can now view the large version of the trailer on our main website at this link here:



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Welcome Jude Beers aka Grimbro!!!

Jude Beers aka Grimbro (who just colored our collected Trade cover) will be coloring the next few Galtow covers on our future issues...you can see Grimmy's awesomely exciting and electric work here:

Welcome aboard Grimmy!!!
Galtow issue # 5 starts very soon...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Galtow Trade Complete!!!

We finally got the Galtow Trade Paperback samples to show around the New York Con...the feed back and reviews have been very positive and Rob G. and I can't wait to get them into heavy circulation!!! More New York Comic Con info, images and the exclusive Galtow CG trailer produced by the uber talented Shimmer Media very soon...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Welcome everyone to our first News update of the year.
Xmoor Studios has been low key on the information sites as Eric and I have been working tirelessly to develop our Intellectual Properties and take the next steps towards getting a bigger audience to embrace our books. Xmoor Studios will be at this February’s New York Comic Con (Feb. 6 - 8) at booth # 948, sharing a space with our traveling partner the fantastic illustrator Steven Harris creator of BrotherHood of the FRINGE, and artist for countless fan fave books for Marvel DC, Image and other publishers. We will also be there with our new partners in crime Shimmer Media who are developing a sensational teaser trailer for GALTOW using 3d CGI effects. Here’s a taste of what will be seen at the show:

We will also debut The GALTOW trade edition at the show… Issues #1 & #2 have been colored and given a whole new attitude. We have also included issues #3 and the unreleased Galtow#4, along with some other goodies and pinups:

There is so much more going on and I will be updating everyone soon on those news fronts but for now look, enjoy and hope to see some of you at the show!
Robert Garrett

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Thought I'd get in here and warm the joint up...Hope everyone had a great Holiday. Well Rob G. and I been busy and we'll be updating any day now so stay tuned!
2009 here we come...